Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If God Leads You To It, He WILL Bring You Through It!
Well, life sure has a way of sending you some curves! Last week was one of those rare weeks that come by every once and a while to keep you on your knees, literally! It started out with Mia, our golden retriever having 14 puppies! The vet said that for a litter that was too many and to expect on losing some, well we sure did and didn't know if it would ever stop ::-( we finally ended up with 8 healthy, scootin around, yipping cuties:) I will be sure to post some pics in the near future. Then my stove up and decided that it didn't want to work so meals became a lil more of a challenge and canning was put on a temporary hold, and to top it all off, my wonderful energetic daughter Randalyn broke her right leg on Saturday night which landed us in the ER for 6 hours bringing us home at one in the morning on Sunday, wow was I ever ready for a new week!

Randalyn is doing okay and enjoying the attention quite a bit, i never realized what a queenly sort she could be! And Autumn is stepping up to the plate to fill in and be a big helper because of course she will be a big "4" next week. We are all adjusting and taking one day at a time, Thank you all who have been calling and praying, we appreciate it so very much! "Please keep prayin"! :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Please pray for this lil guy, his name is Robbie and he has stolen our hearts:)
'Lil miss Lyn lost her first tooth! She was VERY excited:)

Daddy thought it was a good idea to let Randalyn learn how to drive the mower...very slowly! Mommy had to pray to keep her mouth shut! But she did a very good job (referring of course to both of us:) I loved that she had her straw hat on!

My little country woman!

Baby Athena Reese Stitt was born to my brother and his wife Ashliegh! We enjoyed getting to visit them in their home in Michigan while my brother was home for 2 weeks from Afghanistan. He had to return 4 days after their lil one was born, please pray for them all while they get through this time of Chad serving our country and Ashliegh with her hands very full with her wee one and a growing bouncy 15 month old, Jaden!
Wow, it sure has been awhile since i have attempted to sit down and update! This summer has just flown by and now the beautiful fall breezes are blowing our way, Yeah! this is my favorite time of the year, I love the smell of fall in the air, the leaves being painted there beautiful colors of red, amber and gold! and the harvest time is coming to an end, hip hip hooray!:) A summer full of garden work and challenges is starting to fade into the background, o there's still some work to do, tomatoes still need done up, peach jam, some corn and sweet taters, pears, applesauce and apple butter too. Yet somehow when I get to the close of summer these things don't seem as huge as all the other things we have had to get done! Green beans ( 96 quart), Peaches (40 quart) , sweet dill pickles, dill pickles, Salsa (30 quart), freezer corn, canned banana peppers, pickled red beets and eggs, and a LOT of garden work:)

God has been so good to us, He truly has filled our lives with many blessings. This summer was actually one of our hardest ones yet garden wise. We had put a lot of time and work into our garden, like we always do because it's what we try to live off of come winter, but this year the storms hit us! I woke one morning to see our corn crop flat on the ground and the rest of the garden flooded, i literally went to the "pond" to pick out what I could salvage. But the Lord has never failed us, not even one time! A couple in our church gave us 16 dozen ears of corn, a good friend of ours called saying they had some tomatoes, "5 bushel", and our neighbor down the road (who's garden made it) came and told us if we wanted more beans to come and pick em! "Thank you all who blessed us with their extra!"

Randalyn and Autumn have been a lot of help this year. They have helped husk corn, Lyn helped cut it, they have spent many minutes (hours!) picking their fair share of green beans and snapping them. Nikayla has been a good sport and has greatly enjoyed the eating process:) A special thanks to my man too for all his help, again i am so greatly blessed to have a hard workin man who then comes home and helps us in all of our jobs! And many they are, life on our funny farm is never dull! and one word that we have no understanding of is...boredom! Whether it's milkin the goat, untangling the goat, checkin the eggs, chasing chickens out of the garden,
teaching Nikayla to walk, talk and stay out of cupboards:) working with Lyn on her studies ( she is a big first grader this year and loves BJU home school.) teaching Autumn the difference between green maters and ripe maters! mowin the lawn, taking care of puppies or relaxing on the swing with my hubby after a long day, there is always something going on here! The life of a country mama and wife is a blessing that i live each day and I thank God for the life he has chosen for me. Each day I see His blessings in the eyes of my children in the walk of my man and in the stillness (early morning mind u!) and beauty of our country farm. I thank Him and just pray that I can be always remembering of all that He has done for me. That while we are here in America my light can shine and that some day my children will walk in truth, loving God and living for Him.